Personal Article Insurance for your Engagement Ring

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Picture this: You are hiking with your boyfriend when he gets down on one knee to propose. In all the excitement, you throw your arms up in the air only to knock the beautiful ring he is about to present to you from his hand and you watch it go flying through the air in slow motion speed. For a split second, you think you can grab it but instead it rolls off your finger tips and descends down the mountainside, bounces off a rock and lands somewhere over the edge – never to be seen again.

After a few hours of frantic searching and crying, you both sit down on the nearest stump to figure out what comes next. What should have been a day filled with happy tears and hugs has turned into a day filled with tears alright, but they most likely will not be tears of joy – unless your boyfriend bought an insurance policy for the ring.

Regular homeowner’s insurance does carry some protection for more expensive items, but it will most likely not cover them to the extent you would hope. Having an individual Personal Articles policy will have protected the loss of the ring for the entire amount it would cost to replace it.

It is something that not everyone thinks about when making a large purchase. Adding valuable items to your home or personal collection can be great as long until something goes wrong. Without a proper insurance policy to cover them, you could suffer tremendous financial loss if those items are lost, damaged or stolen. We can help get you the right policy to cover all your valuable personal articles including your engagement ring.

So if your new fiance DID purchase an insurance policy for that ring, you might want to give yourself a pat on the back for saying yes to a very smart man.



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